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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Swine flu useful information

First of all I am not doctor, I am Mechanical engineer. Information in this post is copied from some email (sorry I do not know original author). I wrote this post because my Google searches with key words
Swine flu help
H1N1 help
Swine flu precaution
H1N1 precaution
Swine flu information
resulted in nothing but mostly news results and I decided to write post which is helpful and useful for all people.


Among household members (includes family, friends, relatives and those who visit your household (for work). Keep a close watch for the following symptoms:
* Fever * Cough * Sore throat * Runny nose * Nose block/stuffy nose * Body aches * Headache * Chills and fatigue

Infants in the family (less than 1 year old), in addition to all of the above symptoms
* Irritability * Inability to feed, * Vomiting

Take Note of
* If any of member(s) of your family has travelled abroad within last 10 days.
* If you have had any visitors from outside of India in the last 10 days?
* If any of them had any of the symptoms of ‘flu?
* What happened to their symptoms afterwards?

If the answer is YES to any of the symptoms then, the affected person must:
* Stay home, take rest and try to be as isolated as possible.
* Drink plenty of fluids
* Wear a mask.
* Keep a distance of 6 feet to reduce transmission of infection through coughing or sneezing
* Use disposable tissues if possible for cleaning nose and dispose used tissues in the trash
* Clean your hands each time you touch your nose/secretions from your mouth/nose.
* or use a hand sanitizer each time. Or else just wash your hands with soap and water. This has to be done meticulously EACH time!
* If you must use a hanky, put away the hanky each time in your pocket and clean your hands EACH time as above. Wash the clothes and hanky with detergent as usual.
* When you cough use a tissue or cough into your own sleeve while covering your mouth.
* Treat with Crocin for fever (more than 100F) as and when required. This will help with the fever and body pain or headache.
* Treat cold and cough with antihistamines – ‘Crocin Cold and ‘Flu’ can treat all symptoms of ‘flu.

Do not use any aspirin for fever. This is the general rule for ALL viral infections, not just in this era of H1NI1. It can lead to some dangerous complications.

For treatment of children
* Try to talk to your paediatricians.
* It is better if you would do so on the phone. Remember that going to a crowded clinic/hospital facility also increases your exposure to any disease including H1N1.
* Clean toys, surfaces and articles of affected individuals with bleach or alcohol. Wash your hands with soap and water after doing this.
* It is well-known that an untreated cold last for 7 days while a treated one lasts a week! (No difference at all as you can see!)

But if symptoms last for more than 4 days or if you think symptoms are worsening do contact your doctor for ruling out further infection or H1NI1.

* The affected family member and other members/contacts of the affected family member are ‘in quarantine’.
* They are obligated to stay at home and avoid contact with all other individuals for a period of 7 days – this is the duration of infectivity of the ‘flu.
* Even if the affected member in the family does not have the swine ‘flu, they should stay home for 7 days, counted from the day they started showing the symptoms.
If symptoms last longer than 7 days, they should stay home until they have been symptom-free for at least 24-hours.

IN GENERAL (during the epidemic)
* Stay at home as much as possible.
* Specifically, stay away from closed, overcrowded and indoor spaces such as cinemas, malls, enclosed shops, restaurants, classrooms and overcrowded places, wherever they might be e.g. overcrowded closed lifts etc. NOTE: Even with a mask it is not advisable to go to such places.
* Don’t visit friends, family or have any of them over to your house until the epidemic has subsided. Children should not be sent for tuitions/art/ sport classes till the epidemic dies out.
* If you MUST to go out, please USE A MASK.

(A routine surgical mask is more than sufficient and will protect transmission of germs from an infected person (recent scientifically proven data) – it does NOT HAVE TO BE ONLY THE N95 masks that you are hearing about on TV!)

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Generation gap

For my age group it is very common that we have 180 deg. opposite view from parents. I think this is quite natural, because most of the times what must be happening is first we learn from our parents. When we go to school colleges etc. we understand that some of our parent's views are not quite correct.
Let it be whether to watch Mtv, Vtv or not or let it be whether to take alcohol or not or let it be regarding what kind of friend circle we should have. The problem is after thought/ discussions our views change because we are yet in the developing age. Probably for parents of age group 50-60 it is very difficult to get convinced on view other than theirs.

Up to age group of 20 we are bound to listen to their views, even if we oppose that opposition is to such a small extent that at the most it result in something emotional frustration for us. As we grow older I think the parents are the ones who suffer this emotional frustration.

It might sound like bad habit (but I do not do it on purpose), when I go for morning walk I get to listen to many of the discussions of people around. Many of the uncle and aunties are discussing same things.
Typically a group of women (age group 50- 70) discuss subjects related to their own daughter in law (some even discuss neighbours daughter in law!), or the the change in behaviour of their son. The couple is of age group 27 - 33 they discuss many times about the old people in home. Most of the times their complaints are something like - why do they interfere in our private matters. In 70% of the cases the husband is convincing his wife regarding the behaviour of his parents.
Those in the age group of 35-45 going for walk with partner generally are concerned about studies of their children. Mostly I hear discussions (more over complaints) about the academic performance of their son/ daughter. It is interesting that the children of age group 10 to 15 rarely discuss about their parents when they are in group.

Many of my friends and also me included have quite great difference of opinions from our parents in some cases. Let is be simple thing as which TV program we should watch or if we go to hotel then should we order Maharastrian dish or Punjabi or Chinese. The problem is we want to have same kind of food (since we want to enjoy food together) and at the same time we are not ready to give up our choice. Same things happen with TV shows I guess. Let parents watch TV and let me see my favourite show on laptop is probably simple solution but thing is probably we have this urge to watch programme together because we want to be together. We want to have same food in the hotel because of the urge that we want to have food together.
I think though we are fighting on these small things the reason behind these fights is we love our parents and vice-versa.

I do not know what is exact solution to solve this generation gap problem. I think some simple solutions me and my dad try many times is to adjust. Though I like to try new dishes in hotel it is good to adjust sometimes for dad's choice. Even my dad do not tell me to switch to his favourite program when I am watching something interesting on NatGeo or History.

This do not stop us from fighting - because in some cases both of us are not ready to compromise, but I truly think that there is nothing bad in having different opinions. We do not bother to fight on many such issues when we are at workplace then why to fight on simple stupid matters with our loved ones?

I hope that for everyone such fights should take role of cement in making the relations stronger than to take the role of friction which makes harm to both materials in contact.


Friday, August 07, 2009


Today Nagendra Desu (Friend from Geometric software), pinged me in the morning around 11.30am and told me about this -

Today date is 07/08/09
At time 12hr:34min:56sec

Time will be => 12:34:56 07/08/09
i.e. 123456789