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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

HaPpY Realization :-)

Really Very HaPpY after this realization. Glad to know that I am composed of lots and lots and lots of energy!!! That is what one needs!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Riding Care (Post 2) - Breaking on Turns

Adding to posts on Riding Care...

Breaking is highly unsafe on turns. Probably I do not understand exact physics behind it but mostly I think the reason is
 - When you apply breaks tyres slip over the surface and friction is lost
 - I think because of loss of momentum (linear of whole vehicle body and rotational momentum for wheels) the balance goes down.
 - Two tyres of bike have different accelerations, lets say if first tyre experiences higher breaking and rear tyres at the same time experience acceleration then on the turn the bike will loose balance. The net effect is loss of balance.

Always try to judge before turn and always avoid breaking on turns.
If you think that you need to lower speed on turn judge it before turn and apply breaks before turn.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Riding Care (Post 1) - Visibility on Turns

Sharing here some lessons learned in my riding experiences till date.

In general overtaking on turns is always risky. But it is more risky in some scenarios.

See following two examples, in first case the rider has much lesser visibility than in second case.

Conventions in these images -
Yellow part of visibility area is the area which bike rider can see
Red part of visibility area is the restricted vision - which the biker can not see.

On Indian roads (left hand drive) totally avoid overtaking on left turns as you hardly have any visibility of vehicle coming from opposite side

On Indian roads (left hand drive) it is relatively safe overtaking on right turns as you have good visibility of vehicle coming from opposite side